It is definitely still a work in progress, but I think I have enough up now that I was convinced to go ahead and post it live on my domain.

The motivation for this change stemmed from a desire to re-start the 365 project (check for that starting on Thursday!), but wanting to keep it mostly off of Flickr.  After searching through photoblogging software and testing numerous services, I eventually decided that having a photoblog section of my own website would be a good place to start.  My old site, however, was pretty much all hand-coded and not exactly flexible beyond updating content (which I hadn't done in about a year).

So here we are.  A new site, building a new portfolio, a new blog and a new project to look forward to!  I am also looking forward to interacting with all of YOU, as I continue to meander down this path called life.  So, set your RSS-readers and I look forward to visiting with you soon!  :)
